Pro Apps PDFs!
The PDF link downloads a copy of the docs to disk. OK, so maybe I’m stupid (no comments, thanks...
Phantom Adventures: 1000fps on a Budget
A while back I wrote this article about some high speed tests I did in preparation for an upcoming...
Gifts For the HDSLR Shooter in Your Life
For those of us in the industry who spend most of our life engaged in activities that many of...
TecnoTur 6 (Castilian): interviews with Escuchalibros, RAMM Animation, and actress Carla Sánchez
TecnoTur episode 6 in Castilian (aka “Spanish”) is now available. In episode 6, we learn about Venezuelan actress/model Carla...
QuickTip: The clip custom color picker is there in Media Composer 5
Avid released Media Composer 5 to some big changes and one of those changes that wasn’t so big (but...
Avid and RED team up for a RED workflow webinar
It looks like Avid and RED are teaming up for a webinar. The date is Thursday, December 2, 2010...
Adobe Delivers Salvation for HDSLR Shooters
Without a doubt, the greatest challenge for HDSLR shooters has been editorial. I recently read of another new software...
50.94 Is Not A Valid Frame Rate
I recently had a fellow motion graphics artist asked me what format used a 50.94 fps frame rate, as...
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Helps Keep the Peace at Home
This probably isn’t the usual article on a piece of non-linear editing software. There will be no discussion of...
TiVo Premiere for professional use
For a long time, I have had my eye on TiVo to use instead of the Comcast-provided Motorola DVR....