Gear Head for the RED
Last spring, while shooting a piece for solar energy company SunPower on the RED, our jib operator asked me...
Tip: Add “Missing” Finder Tools
Today’s tip features two freeware and one shareware application that I’ve found super-helpful in a multi-Mac studio environment. ClipboardSharing...
Tip: Double-click to Open R3D in REDAlert with RedPortal
A while back (late 2007 to be exact) Anders Holck posted a Mac helper app that lets you double...
Tip: Split a Layer into a Grid in After Effects
Whenever you’re confronted by a tedious task in After Effects – such as splitting a single layer into a...
Tip: Get QuickTime Looking Right Without Re-Rendering
I have in the past been critical of QuickTime as the standard for professional review of digital video; nonetheless,...
Professional Audio Podcasting seminar, April 14th in Miami
Now is your chance to attend a seminar about professional audio podcast production. You will learn the fundamental differences...
Blu-ray comes to the Mac, kinda
So we all know by now that Steve Jobs called Blu-ray a “bag of hurt” and that Apple doesn’t...
Tip: Make use of 21st Century Copyright Laws to Secure Elements
A few years ago I found myself in need of images for an earlier edition of my book that...
Tip: Send After Effects 3D animation data to Cinema 4D (or Maya, Max, Lightwave…)
It has long been a feature of Cinema 4D that animation data, including camera animation settings, can be exported...
Import FCP Projects into Adobe Premiere CS4
Here’s a great little segment on Adobe TV about how to import and work with XML projects from Apple...