Audition: Made for Video (Part Three)
In part one of Audition: Made for Video, I demonstrated how developing a workflow can save you time and...
Adobe’s Speech Analysis is still chugging along in Premiere Pro CS5.5
When Adobe introduced CS4 they also introduced a new feature that many thought would be the suite’s first real...
Critical Evaluation goes OLED
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sony’s BVM-E170 and E250. The place: Palm Springs. The...
Video Is Just Another Form Of Literacy
With production and post costs plummeting, will everyone use video as another form of writing? In this episode of...
Want to beta test some maintenance tools for Avid and Premiere Pro?
If you’ve been using Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Studio for any length of time then you’re probably...
Audition: Made for Video (Part One)
Adobe recently released Production Premium CS5.5. With this new release, there are some amazing new features designed specifically for...
Internships in Post, Good Idea or Bad?
In episode 27 of “The Terence & Philip Show” Philip and I are joined by former intern and current...
Update Alert! Apple ProKit 7.0
Yesterday Apple pushed out a Pro Applications update in the form of ProKit 7.0 for Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and...
Videoguys NAB2011 Report, Part II: Avid, Adobe and more Software News
Avid, Adobe, Grass Valley and others all had their own updates to talk about. In fact, it looks like...
Native Format Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro
In the past few years, a barrage of new video acquisition formats and recording methodologies have sprouted like mushrooms...