TiVo Premiere for professional use
For a long time, I have had my eye on TiVo to use instead of the Comcast-provided Motorola DVR....
The Swiss Army approach to file-based recording
It slices. It dices. It juliennes fries. If the Swiss Army made a file-based recorder, this would be it....
Proxy Prestidigitation
The PMW-500 personifies the Power of the Proxy. Proxy AV is one of the great little secrets of the...
A Look at Careers in Editing
This Editors’ Lounge panel was a very special event featuring a moderated discussion with a collection of distinguished editors....
Remembering the DPS Spark
Over the weekend I cleared out a bunch of old gear, including the capture card that launched a revolution:...
You can reframe your R3Ds in Redcine-X
When you’re working with high resolution RED media in a high-definition world then one of the advantages of the...
Magic Bullet Suite 10’s new Denoiser plug-in
A few weeks ago Red Giant Software released update to the ever popular, ever useful Magic Bullet Suite. This...
Paul Clements – First Impressions of the Foundry’s Storm
Several weeks ago The Foundry announced a new “revolutionary RED workflow system” called Storm. The product made its public...
Can a Mac mini handle dual-screen HD editing?
At work, I have a big, snorting, hairy beast of a MacPro, but at home I want something small,...
Master Multicamera Techniques is a must have book for editors
Quite a few months ago I had a long conversation with editor Mitch Jacobson about multicam editing. The point...