REVIEW – Screenflow 6 from Telestream
When you do a ton of online training, like I do, there are two hugely important factors that you...
Let’s Edit with Media Composer – ADVANCED –
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe gives Avid Media Composer editors the scoop on anther great, FREE resource, and...
Let’s Edit with Media Composer – ADVANCED – Custom Transitions
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you how to create a custom transition to work with in your...
ART OF THE CUT – Clayton Condit cuts “Voice from the Stone” on FCP-X
Art of the Cut takes a deep dive into what it’s like to cut a feature film in FCPX...
Getting Your Foot in the Employment Door
I recently had a long time employee, venture forth into new and exciting opportunities for herself. I began the...
My response to recent post-production articles making the internet rounds
The writers here at ProVideo Coalition have never hesitated to shy away from challenging another blog post that we...
ART OF THE CUT – with “Captain America: Civil War” editor
Editor Jeffrey Ford, ACE has been cutting films as an editor since 2000 with “The Yards.” And also cut...
AE for Editors: Prolost Speedramp
Speed ramps used to be rare, and before that, nonexistent. Slow motion has long been a part of cinema—it...
ART OF THE CUT with Ken Burns’ doc editor Craig Mellish, ACE
Documentary editing is an art form that requires tremendous patience, skill and imagination. Eisenstein’s theories about the juxtaposition of...
Media Composer 101 – Lesson 20 – Basic Transitions
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe goes back to basics and continues his talk about editing in your Media...