Media Composer 101 – Lesson 17 – Bin Layouts/Displays
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe wraps up his looks at Bins in Avid Media Composer by talking about...
ART OF THE CUT with “Spotlight” editor Tom McArdle
Tom McArdle has 35 credits as an editor, including five films with director Tom McCarthy, the latest of which...
Variety has posted its predictions for the Oscar nominees. What do YOU think of the PREDICTIONS for Best Editing nominations?
Art of the Cut with Fred Raskin, editor of HATEFUL EIGHT
Fred Raskin, A.C.E. has edited a number of great projects including 2014’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Fast and...
Norman Hollyn discussing editing for L.A. Post Fest
Norman Hollyn, among many other things, is one of the judges for the L.A. Post Fest, an editing competiton...
The Nashville Filmmakers Guild NLE Debate Live Stream Archive
Monday, December 14, 2015 was the first ever Nashville Filmmakers Guild NLE Debate. As we talked about on a...
The Great NLE Debate and DaVinci Resolve
Which NLE is the right one for you? The Nashville Film Guild took the matter to a Presidential style...
Shooting the Holiday Blockbuster: “Creed” and the Evolution of the Fight Scene
As this holiday greets the release of the latest entry in the “Rocky” franchise, “Creed,” we examine the evolution...
Learning to listen
Whether it’s produced by nature or created by man, our lives are cluttered with sound. We are so constantly...
The Nashville Filmmakers Guild NLE Debate
The Nashville Filmmakers Guild is having a debate! A debate about non-linear editing software. In the spirit of the...