After Effects and Alexa – Part 1
The Arri Alexa is a hugely popular digital camera, but it records footage in a proprietary Arri colourspace called...
Boris Red 5.5 for Media Composer Editors
More and more these days, Media Composer editors find themselves trying to stay in their timeline to get simple...
Getting Started with BCC Lite for Media Composer Part 2
As most Media Composer editors are now aware, BCC is no longer included in your Media Composer Symphony upgrade. ...
The Improved Voiceover Tool in FCP X
Can you record a voiceover track directly into Final Cut Pro X? Yes, and you've been able to do...
A Tale of Two Thunderbolt Drives
If you’re lucky enough to have Thunderbolt in your workflow then you know the joys of its ease of...
Premiere Pro News Notes #08
A series of as-they-come notes on news of assorted Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials, tips, and related tools continues. And...
Relatively Speaking, Absolutely!
Absolute or Relative? It's up to you, as you'll discover in this week's episode of MacBreak Studio, in which...
Sharknado 2 and Vashi’s Premiere Pro Editorial Workflow
Sharks and tornados go together so well that Syfy is on their second round of Sharknado movies with Sharknado...
Finding Unused Clips in Final Cut Pro X
Did I use that clip already? Continuing their exploration of new features introduced in the 10.1.2 update to Final...
Pinnacle Studio for iPad to add missing framerates & 48 kHz!
Last month, I published an article covering improvements in Pinnacle Studio for iPad, which is a video editing app...