To Cloud or Not to Cloud. The current state of Enterprise NAS Media Production Platforms.
Recently I had several clients ask me to assist them in the review of the current options available for...
EditShare sells Lightworks and QScan to LWKS Software
The next version of Lightworks, expected for November, will come from a new owner, as EditShare has sold the...
EditShare and MoovIT: how to automate and optimize Adobe Workgroups
EditShare and MoovIT GmbH have a joint webinar today on how to ‘Automate and Optimize Adobe Workgroups with FLOW...
NAB-AT-HOME 2020: EditShare
One of the booths that always intrigues me as I walk the NAB South Hall floor is EditShare. They’ve...
EditShare: new EFSv platform for collaborative editing in the cloud
The pandemic has made remote production a keyword for professionals and multiple companies show their solutions for collaborative cloud-based...
EditShare and CIS: secure editorial workflows and remote productions
EditShare announced that CIS Group has joined the EditShare Channel Partner Program and as part of the agreement CIS...
The Finish Line uses EditShare’s Flow for remote workflows
EditShare’s Flow enables secure, modern editorial workflows and collaboration and support in demand for remote workflow design consultancy and...
EditShare makes its Flow Media Management solution temporarily FREE
EditShare CEO Conrad Clemson has addressed the health crisis created by the coronavirus with a practical answer: the company’s...
EditShare Academy: a new learning platform for content creators
EditShare Academy registration is now open offering online and instructor-led courses that equip all those involved with content creation...
Try EditShare’s Flow free for 100 days
The first 100 eligible beta applicants will have the opportunity to try the all new storage independent new version...