Julian Assange is free at last, but at what cost? Attorney Viviana Paredes tells us the details.
In CapicúaFM episode 91, I conversed with with Ecuadorian lawyer Viviana Paredes about the recent release of Julian Assange...
Hindenburg announces 2.0 with transcription and more
I first wrote about the Hindenburg family of audio editors in 2015. In the past 8 years, I have...
Hindenburg Pro: 32-bit float compatibility, workflow and best practices
Although 32-bit float recording has existed already for a few years, it was only recently that one of my...
Hindenburg adds -14 LUFS & Avid Pro Tools interoperability at NAB 2018
Hindenburg has just informed me officially that at NAB 2018 next week, they’ll be announcing a few new key...
How I interviewed presidential candidate Gary Johnson with a digital mic from Italy
Last week, I had the pleasure and honor of conducting a brief, in-field interview with US presidential candidate Gary...
Meet the Hindenburg family of audio production/editing tools
This is my first article about the Hindenburg family of audio production and editing tools… and even publishing tools....