5,000 Watt LED’s – Welcome to a Brave New World of Film Lighting
The high-output lighting landscape is evolving with the introduction of two groundbreaking LED fixtures: the Aputure Storm XT52 and...
LED lights that don’t exist
Pocketsized cameras and laptops containing the equivalent of an entire late-90s post production facility have made it easy for...
Aputure Light Storm 600D Pro Price Announced and Preorder Ready
We have waited a long time for price and pre-orders for the Aputure Light Storm 600D Pro, a 600W...
Source Four Leko Tips & Tricks
One of the light fixtures that I often use is the ETC Source Four Ellipsoidal, or leko. If you...
Location Interview Lighting Tips: HMI Lights & Looking into the Lens
I recently shot a series of location interviews that will be used as the narrative backbone for a client’s...