Art of The Shot: Eric Edwards
You have seen Eric Alan Edward’s work. I would go so far as to say you have likely watched...
Arc/k Project: preserve the past and create 3D models for Hollywood filmmakers
The Arc/k Project, a new nonprofit focused on digital preservation, plans to create 3-dimensional records of the world’s most...
Blackmagic Micro Cinema Cameras Used On “Jason Bourne”
Size, dynamic range, and color found in the Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera, and Pocket Cinema Camera, help elevate Blackmagic’s...
Roger Deakins and His New Website
After years Roger Deakins ASC, BSC, CBE updates his website. Updates include a new “look at lighting plans.”
The new Hollywood and independent film paradigm
A recent question submitted to the PVC mailbag was from a indie movie producer who wanted to know about...
Blackmagic Cameras help Spike TV’s “Tut” Capture Impossible
DP Chris LaVasseur and Second Unit Drictor/DP Mark Vargo, ASC shoot action scenes and stunt work for Spike TV’s...
Company 3 Uses DaVinci Resolve for “Tomorrowland”
DaVinci Resolve used by Company 3’s Stephen Nakamura to grade both the regular and Dolby Vision passes for Disney’s...
Blockbusters Invade Cine Gear Expo 2015
Cine Gear Expo, being held at Paramount Studios June 4-7, 2015, is the place to go if you want...
Your Trailer For a Hollywood Movie
Josh Hutcherson, star of The Hunger Games franchise, is helping Canon engage a new audience through the Project Imagination:...