How TV Opening Titles Got to Be So Damn Good
Wired magazine (in conjunction with The Art of the Title) recently collaborated on a video article titled How TV...
Creating an animated Pac-Man in Motion This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how I used Motion to create...
What does After Effects even do?
Ridiculous question, right? We all know the After Effects basics. I mean, depending on your point of view, of course....
Working with vector graphics in Final Cut Pro X This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how you can work with vector...
DaVinci Resolve on a Surface Pro 4
Blackmagic Design and Intel loaned me a Surface Pro 4 to test the performance of the Iris GPU and...
Fusion 8.2 On Linux Now Shipping
Blackmagic continues to hit deadlines they imposed upon themselves at NAB2016. The final release of Fusion 8.2, Blackmagic’s visual...
Creating 3D Animated Bar Charts in Motion This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how to build an animated 3D...
Forced Projections in Motion This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how turn a photograph into an...
Maya 2017: More mograph, less mental ray
Autodesk has announced a major update to its flagship 3D digital content creation package. If you’re not using Maya,...
Creating an animated gobo in Motion This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how to build, position, and animate...