Is Cavalry the After Effects killer we didn’t know we were waiting for?
After Effects is the de facto standard for all things motion graphics. While there’s plenty of debate about whether...
Animating a 3D Camera in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I demonstrate how easy and downright fun it is to animate a camera in...
Boris FX releases Particle Illusion standalone app for free
I’m an editor/mograph designer of many hats. Media Composer, After Effects, Premiere, Resolve, Scratch, and a bunch more that...
After Effects & Performance. Part 14: Make it faster for free
Plenty of people have said that money can’t buy you happiness, and anyone who says it can hasn’t used...
Publishing Path Animations for Final Cut Pro X
This week on MacBreak Studio, I take you “under the hood” to peek at our development process for a...
After Effects & Performance. Part 13: The Wilderness Years
By 2014 After Effects was roughly 21 years old. The list of improvements and new features added since the...
Levitate an Object in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I show you how you can use Motion to create a levitation effect. This...
Auto Generate Motion Graphics from a Spreadsheet
Have you ever needed to generate the same graphics over and over with different text? This week on MacBreak...
After Effects & Performance. Part 12: The Quadro Conundrum
For many users, the topic of performance comes down to the question of “which component should I buy”, or...
Creating a Commercial Plugin for Final Cut Pro X with Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I follow up from last week’s episode, in which I demonstrated how to build...