Creating a Text Message Animation in Motion
I’ve often said that Motion is Final Cut Pro X’s secret weapon, and recently I’ve been on a bit...
Animating with Behaviors in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I demonstrate the power and flexibility of Motion’s behaviors for creating animations without a...
After Effects & Performance. Part 11: The rise of the GPGPU
The GPU has come a long way from the days when computers could only display monochrome text. Over the...
Creating Animated Graphs in Motion
Since we all seem to be looking at a lot of charts and graphs these days I thought it...
After Effects & Performance. Part 10: The birth of the GPU
Introducing the GPU. Over the past ten years the GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, has probably made greater advances...
After Effects & Performance. Part 9: Cold, hard cache
Does adding more RAM to your computer make it faster? It’s a surprisingly tricky question. Strictly speaking: no. But...
After Effects & Performance. Part 8: Multiprocessing (kinda sorta)
When is multiprocessing not multiprocessing? When it’s rendering multiple frames simultaneously. In part 8 we’re going to have a...
Pan & Scan Photos in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I show you how you can animate a camera to dolly and pan over...
After Effects & Performance. Part 7: Introducing AErender
When you install After Effects, Adobe also installs a separate program that can vastly improve productivity. You already have...
After Effects & Performance. Part 6: Begun, the core wars have…
When we look back over the last 25 years of After Effects’ history, and how its performance has evolved,...