Hands on with Nuke CopyCat: is it Machine Learning or Witchcraft?
Every now and then something shows up in the world of postproduction that seems too good to be true...
Face Replacement How-to
Learn the art of face replacement with our step-by-step walkthrough of the technique. This marks the start of a...
Fusion 9 in depth review
There was a lot of chatter around Fusion a couple of years back when Blackmagic acquired the company. But...
Scorpion VFX: a modern take on the VFX pipeline
The team behind the primetime hit series Scorpion takes an unconventional approach to post-production to deliver a staggering number...
Keying and compositing in NukeX
You’ve seen it before: composited people with hair helmets. If you’ve done any keying yourself, you probably notice it...
What does Baselight’s new announcement mean to you?
Now available, Avid and NUKE free plugins allow color grade to be imposed in real time; simple upgrade to...