Understanding Ecamm Live’s framerates and audio sampling
Although I first reviewed Ecamm Live in March 2020 and later have covered it in countless articles in ProVideo...
Adobe Rush adds features but keeps doing the audio wrong
I have been covering Adobe Rush ever since it was in beta in June 2018. I really want to...
FiLMiC Pro’s DoubleTake app has non-standard audio until fixed
As announced at Apple’s WWDC in June 2019, DoubleTake is an app from FilMiC Pro which allows multicam recording...
48 kHz: How to set it in Android, iOS, macOS and Windows
After creating the 48 kHz Alliance this year and several prior articles, an increasing number of people now ask...
Enter the 48 kHz Alliance
Thanks to a recent —and extremely rare— inaccurate public statement by Rob Walch, I was catapulted into creating the...
The MIT debate between 48 and 44.1 kHz audio sampling that hasn’t taken place (yet)
On May 30, I received an email invitation to debate the virtues of 48 vs 44.1 kHz audio sampling...