The Future is 64-bit
It’s common knowledge among post-production pros that 64-bit operating systems are the best choice for top-of-the-line performance, especially when...
Webinar: How to make a single web video file compatible with both Flash and iPhone
If you have been frustrated, trying to find a way to have your cake and eat it too… In...
Automagic part I: PluralEyes autosyncing software
As I was making my way around the show floor of NAB 2009 my friend Shane Ross said that...
Tablet Madness
Whether or not the mythical Apple “iPad” will ever grace our presence, the idea of tablet device seems to...
After Effects Apprentice Video Tutorial #10
Earlier this year we released After Effects Apprentice (2nd Edition). The DVD-ROM that comes with the book includes an...
Baseline is a very visual and very clever way to manage disk space
As editors and media content creators we can often accumulate tons of large video and audio files as well...
Rapper Shoots Entire Music Video With iPhone 3Gs
Sure this isn’t the first, nor the last music video shot on an iPhone. What this is however is...
What You Need to Know about Green, Blue and RED
In a recent article I surmised that RED was mixing green into the blue channel to eliminate blue noise...
RED Color Comparison
Any camera looks good in a vacuum. Come see how the RED looks against itself and in comparison to...