After Effects Apprentice Free Video: Editing Interactively in the Composition Panel
As we mentioned earlier, we're creating a video training series based on our popular beginner's book After Effects Apprentice,...
Quicktips 2011 Day 14: Better performance for .motn files in FCP Timeline
This Reader Quicktip is all the way from Lu Nelson in Berlin. If you use Apple Motion a lot...
Quicktips 2011 Day 15: Create audio synced subclips from overcranked footage
This Reader Quicktip comes from Matthew Gilna in Los Angeles. He’s been working on a cool series called The...
HPA Tech Retreat 2011
There’s a quiet gathering in Palm Springs every February. Many of the post-production industry’s leading luminaries, along with a...
Quicktips 2011 Day 13: Overwrite bin column layout upon changes
My editing user settings are constantly evolving. One things that changes a lot are the bin column layouts that...
Quicktips 2011 Day 12: Dupe detection in Avid, FCP and kinda in Premiere Pro but not really
Dupe detection is one of those great little features that you don’t have to have in your editing application...
Quicktips 2011 Day 11: Playhead of your timeline to match FCP edit to tape In point
There’s probably not near as many Final Cut Pro editors that have to perform tape output today versus just...
Quicktips 2011 Day 10: Map Media Composer keyboard arrows to FF and REW
This Reader Quicktip is from Jack Jones, a colorist (or colourist I guess I should say) working out of...
Expert Tips on Final Cut Pro
Ever watch someone use (or even worse, demonstrate) a piece of software, and think to yourself “wait a minute...
Quicktips 2011 Day 09: A bunch of FCP tips from Digital Rebellion
Here’s a big batch of Reader Quicktips that comes to us from Jon Chappell over at Digital Rebellion. They’ve...