Venice Immersive: 63 projects from 25 countries
Entirely devoted to immersive arts and media and includes all types of creative XR expression, Venice Immersive continues to be the most significant...
Cinema 4D and Zbrush used in animated comedy for VR
Written and directed by award-winning VR filmmaker Ethan Shaftel, Ajax All Powerful is an animated comedy produced exclusively for...
HP Reverb G2 Omnicept: the world’s most intelligent VR headset
HP has a second VR headset in the pipeline, for Spring 2021, the HP Reverb G2 Omnicept, with eye...
Recoding Entropia, a visual journey in Virtual Reality
At a time when travel is almost non-existant, Recoding Entropia is an incentive to travel. Get your VR headset...
Venice VR Expanded: 44 projects from 24 countries
1st Step, an award-winning VR documentary by German VR studio Faber Courtial is one of the nine officially selected...