After Effects & Performance. Part 14: Make it faster for free
Plenty of people have said that money can’t buy you happiness, and anyone who says it can hasn’t used...
Creating Freeze Frame Effects in Final Cut Pro X
This week on MacBreak Studio, I demonstrate a simple example of the “freeze frame” effect and how to accomplish...
After Effects & Performance. Part 13: The Wilderness Years
By 2014 After Effects was roughly 21 years old. The list of improvements and new features added since the...
Levitate an Object in Motion
This week on MacBreak Studio, I show you how you can use Motion to create a levitation effect. This...
After Effects & Performance. Part 12: The Quadro Conundrum
For many users, the topic of performance comes down to the question of “which component should I buy”, or...
After Effects & Performance. Part 11: The rise of the GPGPU
The GPU has come a long way from the days when computers could only display monochrome text. Over the...
After Effects & Performance. Part 10: The birth of the GPU
Introducing the GPU. Over the past ten years the GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, has probably made greater advances...
After Effects & Performance. Part 9: Cold, hard cache
Does adding more RAM to your computer make it faster? It’s a surprisingly tricky question. Strictly speaking: no. But...
Learn Scratch – Part 4 – Slots, Scene Detection and Layer Basics
One of my favorite concepts inside of Scratch is Slots. It’s something that, for new users, can seem a...
Learn Scratch – Part 3 Outputting Continued and Color Managed Workflows
I always find that rendering/exporting/outputting out of any application to be very hit and miss. Obviously, the less options...