Film industry veteran moves to video game industry
What’s the connection between the film industry, video games, the health industry, and a company as Level Ex? More...
Andrew Shulkind: human stories are our job and our lifeblood
Obsessed with movies and lighting, a photography course set the path Andrew Shulkind would walk. Virtual Reality came after,...
Canon’s Free Viewpoint Video System promises total immersion
Imagine watching a soccer match as if you were there, running amidst the players, viewing it from any possible...
Motion Picture Sound Editors to honor Harry Cohen
Quentin Tarantino to Oliver Stone, Ridley Scott or Paul Verhoeven have worked with him. Harry Cohen’s passion for exploring...
Blur Studio: creating commercial spots for video games
Blur Studio worked with ad agency Argonaut San Francisco recently to create an action packed 90-second national commercial for...
Ansel Adams enters video games
Ansel Adams, Industrial Light & Magic, virtual cameras, photography and a lot of imagination are the reason for this...