Product Review: DSLRPros Cannes Cinema Edition P2 Aerial Kit
The DJI Phantom 2 is the second generation quadcopter from the industry giant, boasting better performance and longer flight...
First Footage From Blackmagic’s URSA Camera
Australian John Brawley Director of Photography, known for testing Blackmagic Cameras before they are released, shows off the first...
New Features in Motion
New features in Motion? That's right – they aren't earth-shattering, but there were a few new features added to...
Have a copy of my Final Cut Pro X Menu / Keyboard Shortcut Cheat-sheet
I’m currently deep into the biggest Final Cut Pro X edit that I’ve done to date. Back when FCPX...
Microsoft Says No to Shaky Videos
From smartphones to DSLRs, all modern equipments seems to offer video capture as an option. It's only natural that...
After Effects and Alexa – The Expurgated Version
OK so you’ve got some Arri Alexa footage in Log C format, and it looks funny in After Effects....
After Effects and Alexa – Part 2
The Arri Alexa is a hugely popular digital camera, but it records footage in a proprietary Arri colourspace called...
Getting Started with BCC Lite for Media Composer Part 2
As most Media Composer editors are now aware, BCC is no longer included in your Media Composer Symphony upgrade. ...
A Guide to Picture Profiles in DSLR Video
Too much choice can be confusing, and that is what happens with picture profiles for video. Everybody seems to...
The Improved Voiceover Tool in FCP X
Can you record a voiceover track directly into Final Cut Pro X? Yes, and you've been able to do...