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The Most Common Redaction Mistake

Image via Wikipedia

Believe it or not,Informative Graphicspoints out that a single technique is responsible for an amazing number of incidents.

Say that you have a document you want to release, but it needs to be redacted first so that sensitive information is not revealed to the general public. You open the document in your word processor. Then you open its handy drawing tool. With the tool, you draw a solid black shape over the text that needs to be hidden. Convert the document to PDF and put it online. Job done, right?


All someone has to do is select all of the text in the document, or even just the paragraph. A quick copy and paste and now they can read the whole thing, including theredacted information.

Even worse, if they really know what they’re doing, they can view the document’s metadata and see all of the document’s revision information. Remember that sarcastic comment the CEO made about a poorly-chosen phrase? That’s now front page news.

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