Welcome to After Effects Anecdotes, the new home for all of my presentations for the ProVideo Coalition.
As an After Effects specialist with over 15 years of industry experience, I aim to produce video tutorials that look at all aspects of production and include insights into areas such as pitching, workflow, project organisation and so on.
While all my new presentations will be collated here, here’s a collection of my vintage videos – slowly maturing in the dark like a fine wine:
The’Centrica Carnivale’ is a 3-part series that takes you through all stages of a corporate awards production, from pitch to delivery. It includes an overview of how to use After Effects to produce results that look like they were made in a 3D animation program:
The Centrica Carnivale – Part 1
The Centrica Carnivale – Part 2
The Centrica Carnivale – Part 3
The ‘After Effects Leftovers’ series is a collection of short tips and tricks on features that are often overlooked:
After Effects Leftovers – Part 1
After Effects Leftovers – Part 2
After Effects Leftovers – Part 3
After Effects Leftovers – Part 4
After Effects Leftovers – Part 5
If you’ve ever been impressed by building projections, this 2-part series looks at the staging of two different building projections projects, including the largest building projection ever staged to date:
With the inclusion of 3D capabilities in After Effects CS6, it’s possible to animate fully ray-traced cogs and gears without 3rd party software:
And although it’s not directly related to After Effects, my 4-part interview with John Brawley offers unique insight into the Blackmagic Cinema Camera, and what it’s like to work as a professional cinematographer:
The dark art of digital cinematography

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