Welcome to Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro on ProVideo Coalition.
Every week, we will share a new tooltip to save time when working in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Pet peeve of mine: I like to have lots of saved transitions, and the TL;DR already has told you how to save one.
The problem: You want some saved customized transitions of a specific length. Sometimes, it’s just a 10-frame dissolve; sometimes, it’s a very customized variation with a specific duration.
You would think that right-clicking on the transition would let you do this. It allows you to adjust the duration, but it doesn’t allow you to save it.
If you want to save a transition with its duration or any other customizations, go into the effect controls (Shift+5), and right click on the FX badge.
This will give you a pop-up to save the preset, and yes, you want to save it with transition duration.
Sadly, there’s no way to apply these to multiple transitions. But here’s where you can always submit a request for it!
This series is courtesy of Adobe.