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Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Saving Transition Presets.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Saving Transition Presets. 1

Welcome to Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro on ProVideo Coalition.

Every week, we will share a new tooltip to save time when working in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Pet peeve of mine: I like to have lots of saved transitions, and the TL;DR already has told you how to save one.

The problem: You want some saved customized transitions of a specific length. Sometimes, it’s just a 10-frame dissolve; sometimes, it’s a very customized variation with a specific duration.

You would think that right-clicking on the transition would let you do this. It allows you to adjust the duration, but it doesn’t allow you to save it.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Saving Transition Presets. 2

If you want to save a transition with its duration or any other customizations, go into the effect controls (Shift+5), and right click on the FX badge.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Saving Transition Presets. 3

This will give you a pop-up to save the preset, and yes, you want to save it with transition duration.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Saving Transition Presets. 4

Sadly, there’s no way to apply these to multiple transitions. But here’s where you can always submit a request for it!

This series is courtesy of Adobe. 

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