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Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Slipping clips without the Slip tool

Welcome to Tooltip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro on ProVideoCoalition.

Every week, we will share a new tooltip to save time when working in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Slipping clips without the Slip tool 1

The fastest way to slip is this tip!

Most editors get the idea that cuts happen on beats (or just off beats) – or according to interview/main story speech.

But a key hallmark of craft is that moments in the middle of clips sync in some way, such as when someone says a word or the beats of music.

When evaluating an edit, I’m looking for these moments along with when the cuts happen

Often, what I need to do is adjust the middle of a clip – not when It starts or finishes, but the content.

Hopefully, you know there’s a tool specifically for this. It’s called Slip tool

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Slipping clips without the Slip tool 2

You can find that as the letter “Y” key in the default keyboard. You can click on a clip and drag it right and left. The clip remains in place but the first/last frame changes to earlier or later in the clip.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Slipping clips without the Slip tool 3
Dragging a clip leaves the outside clips alone (small thumbnails at top left/right,) but changes the start/end frame (large thumbnails at bottom)


Here’s the tip. You don’t need the Slip tool

You only need to select the clip and know the correct keys to slip.

Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro: Slipping clips without the Slip tool 4

Want a better-looking edit? Take five minutes right now and go through that B roll. Slip clips so that you’ve aligned action to music, beats, and narrative spoken moments.

This series is courtesy of Adobe. 

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