Welcome to Tool Tip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro on ProVideoCoalition.
Every week, we will share a new tooltip to save time when working in Adobe Premiere Pro.
If you’re working in complex timelines with a lot of tracks, you probably already know there are keyboard shortcuts to toggle the state of many timeline track controls , such as toggling all of the video and audio tracks, as well as locking all of the video and audio tracks.

These shortcuts can come in really handy when you’re working with a lot of tracks.

Another little-known shortcut that is really handy to quickly and selectively toggle any piece of the track control panel is to hold down the COMMAND key on a Mac (CTRL on a PC) then click and drag across the elements that you want to toggle the state of.
This operation will toggle the state of any of the items in the track control panel currently sits as. You do not have to start at the top or the bottom of the tracks, as you can hold down CMD/CTRL and then drag right in the middle of any of the items and that will change the current state as you swipe.
If you’re working with complex timelines that have a lot of tracks, then this is an incredibly useful shortcut.
This series is courtesy of Adobe.

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