If you’ve placed any advertising before, you know that the information you can get from sales reps can vary wildly. I’m not dissing sales reps, instead there really hasn’t been great standards by which Publishers should follow. We feel pretty strongly that Google Analytics is great data. In fact, we base our writers payments on the depth of the G.A. reports.
At PVC we are going to publish our data openly from Googla Analytics to assist advertisers and potential advertisers in making informed purchasing decisions. Who does that!?! Well, we do. If you’re spending valuable and limited marketing dollars, make sure you’re getting the best ROI. I understand StudioDaily may be sharing Google Analytics data and I applaud that. If you’d like to receive our data, please contact me directly sgentry@www.provideocoalition.com, or jcory@www.provideocoalition.com.
Every month we’ll publish our stats here and the Google data obtained from Jarett or myself can be used as proof. Since we only soft-launched in February (meaning no marketing of the site yet, only word of mouth), growth is expected to phase in over the year. Our goal was 25% growth month to month for the first six months, then leveling out to be approximately 200,000 visits by the end of the year 2008.
March 2008: 49,986 (we missed 50,000 by only 14 visits)
Feb. 2008: 34,316
In our second month live we grew 46%.
• Approx. 87% have added us to their bookmarks
• Avg time on site: 5:46 (We’re still new)
For some comparisons, you can check out these other traffic monitoring sites. As you can see from the data they show, compared to Google Analytics data, they are not very reliable, but it may give you an idea of where sites stand.
According to these sites PVC has already beaten the industry grandfather Videography.com.
If you have any questions about PVC or our traffic and rate information, please contact me directly.
Scott Gentry, President
ProVideo Coalition
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