Avid Media Composer | Software is now available in 3 license types making it the perfect professional editing solution for everyone.
One of the big announcements at NAB from Avid is that customers will have the choice to have Media Composer their way. You can still own a perpetual license that together with an annual support contract will entitle you to all upgrades, for free, during the support contract. With new monthly and annual Media Composer subscription options, customers can now gain access to the latest Media Composer toolset, support, and upgrades. They also announced a new Software floating licensing for large-scale media enterprises, post-production houses, and educational institutions, making it possible to purchase a “pack” of shared licenses to deploy facility-wide using a single system ID
As you can imagine, it all can get quite confusing, which is why Videoguys put together this FAQ & YouTube videos to boil it all down for you and help you better understand your options for the next release of Media Composer, version 8, expected later this spring.
This guide & videos are for the next version of Avid Media Composer | Software was compiled on April 15th based on the information announced at the NAB Show 2014 and available from Avid after the show. We expect that some of this information may change before the new software is introduced. The next version of Avid Media Composer | Software is expected to be released in mid May 2014. Stay tuned for updates…

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