When augmented reality hits the Internet of Things|Vodule.
Both theInternet of Things andaugmented reality (AR) are hotly tipped computing trends and both are in their infancy. Where they intersect could be an engrossing area — with the visual and location-based aspect of augmented reality providing a real-time, real-place interface for the data being pumped out by objects. We’d be able to see not just whether a bus is behind a building but how many people are on it, whether it’s on time, where people are sitting on the bus, what the name of driver is and well, any other information you decided to put out there.
AR has often been hailed asTerminator vision technology, after the Schwarzenegger film, but with the current state of AR which relies on people to upload points of interest — the information Arnie could see through his enhanced visor would be what Joe down the road is tweeting, some information about local property prices and where to get a latte
Continues @http://www.vodule.com/?p=6101
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