Nice to see a new Digital Asset Management blog arrive, written from the perspective of a longtime user.
Why do I need aDAM?
Posted by Henrik de Gyor on January 10, 2009
Some organizations may have considered a DAM (Digital Asset Management) system, but thought:
“We’ll do it later” or “We don’t need one of those DAM things.”
In the same breath, you might as well pick any of the following phrases below:
- “We don’t need to save money now.”
- “We will be here forever so we will be able to preserve our institutional knowledge .”
- “We love filing cabinets full of CDs, DVDs, tapes as well as multiple external hard drives shared drives, folder structures on our computers and other ‘organized’ methods to store and manage our files everyday. There is no other way to do this today.”
- “We can’t find anything in timely manner and we’re okay with that.”
- “We can wait until tomorrow when the other office is open with the files we need for that presentation today.”
- “We will continue to wait for Joe to come back from vacation and Susan to return from sick leave to retrieve files we really needed for that public release last week.”
- “We love employees who hoard company assets on just their computer that are so important to our business. What could possibly ever happen to their computer or them for that matter? Our employees never go anywhere.”
- “We love to wait hours or days for files, don’t we all?”
- “We like to waste time and money and so do our managers.”
- “We don’t need to know what files we have. Why would anyone want to know that?”
- “We don’t accumulate many files each year. We trash our intellectual property every few months just to clear our limited hard drive space. It’s really no big deal.”
- “There is no other way we can be more efficient. We each have our very own sets of standards and procedures followed sometimes.
- “We love paper. It’s so cheap. We like swimming in it too. What’s a PDF anyhow?”
- “Why would we change how we deliver stuff? Mailing stuff is really cheap and fast nowadays. We don’t even need email today.”
- “We can only collaborate in person or by email nowadays. What will they think of next? Tele-commuting for office workers? We would have to trust our employees.”
- “We have to hold all our files very close, so no one can find our files including us.”
- “We love re-creating files over again because we can’t find it to use it again. In fact, we’ll do it all over again next month.”
- We love to think inside the box. We don’t streamline anything around here. I know because I’m an innovator. We don’t need any changes here.”
- “Improve workflow? Our work flows just fine around here. We do not need to upgrade any software nor hardware since last decade.”
- “Change costs money. Technology can’t save the organization time and money. We just need more people to work harder and longer hours. That’s why they are here and they know it.”
Continues @

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