Brown Bag Lunch: ‘Structs’: Naïve Data Formats and the ABox AI3:::Adaptive Information.
Writing and Sharing Data Can be Lightened Up
Ever since I first started to learn in earnest aboutontology, something has been gnawing at me. The term seemed to be (shall I say?) an obtuse one whose obscurity was not the result of subtle precision or technicality, but rather one of fuzziness. As I introduced myIntrepid Guide to Ontologytwo years ago, I noted:
What Isn’t an Ontology?
Even two years ago, I noted more than 40 different types of information structure that have at one time or another been labelled as an example of an “ontology”:
Since then, I could add even more terms to this list.
Lack of precision as to what ontology means has meant that it has been sloppily defined. As I haveharpeduponmanytimes regarding semantic Web terminology, this is a sad state of affairs for the semWeb endeavor that hasmeaning at the core of its purpose.
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