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Your Workforce is Your Social Media Policy

Image via Wikipedia

Your Workforce is Your Social Media Policy |.

The democratization of knowledge is a real phenomenon — thanks to the internet. Your company should be playing on this field in a big way. You should be mining your entire workforce for content and promotion. Don’t close your employees off from social media, empower them to do social media right.

Self-referential example

I was speaking with a colleague, trying to squeeze an idea out of him.

“You always have great ideas for topics to write about,” I told him.

“I don’t know what to write about,” he replied.

So we talked for a few minutes and sure enough he had 3-4 ideas, including this one– non-”experts” are a valuable source of content.

Everyone has ideas

He didn’t mean people that don’t know their stuff. He meant people who don’t go around touting this or that expertise. He meant the people in the trenches, doing the work.

They may not consider themselves writers. They may not even be comfortable writing. But they sure as heck have something to say.

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